The Sims 3 Ambrosia Recipe (2025)

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Getting Death Fish and Life Fruit for Cooking Ambrosia to Make Immortal Sims

Guide Navigation:
Cooking Overview | Master Cooking | Recipe List | Ambrosia | Good Traits
Challenges and Opportunities

This Sims 3 Guide was originally written for the PC and Mac versions of the game, but also will help owners of the console versions - PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. Please remember some info or numbers may have changed.

Ambrosia is the most coveted, most expensive and most difficult-to-prepare recipe in the Sims 3. Learning the recipe is no challenge at all. Nay, the Ambrosia recipe book can be bought at the book store for 12,000 Simoleons and requires level 10 cooking skill to be learned. The true challenge comes from getting both the ingredients required to make it. Even better, these ingredients should be in perfect quality. This will help your Sim to get lifetime happiness points for cooking with perfect ingredients. This guide to the Divine Meal should also help Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 owners of The Sims 3.

Ambrosia is so popular in The Sims 3 because it gives a divine meal moodlet that lasts a full week. This moodlet gives a +75 boost to mood, and is better than the vacation packages. Ambrosia can bring Sims as ghosts back from the dead, just get them to eat it. Additionally, it can reverse aging, allowing Sims to jump back to the beginning of the life phase they're currently in. It won't make an elder into an adult, but it can keep that elder from dying. Coupled with a death flower your Sim can easily have immortality, while all the other Sims around them die of old age and accidental death. Ambrosia is used heavily in the Immortal Dynasty Challenge.

To create ambrosia, two items are needed. Death Fish and Life Fruit. Let's go over how to get each of them, and improve the quality of the ingredients.

The Sims 3 Ambrosia Recipe (2)

Death Fish
Getting your hands on some Death Fish for the Ambrosia is not hard, so long as you follow these simple steps. Death fish are easy to catch. They'll require level 5 Fishing skill (to unlock live bait) to catch. Their favorite bait is angelfish, so the first task should be to get the bait required for angelfish, alley catfish. Alley Catfish can be bought at the grocery store, but don't expect your catches to be high quality at first if you use this default alternative.

Alley catfish are caught using cheese, which can be purchased at the supermarket. To see specific locations for each of these types of fish, as well as the death fish, head to my Riverview and Sunset Valley fishing spot guides.

Start with the cheese, then catch about 6 to 8 alley catfish, then finally catch as many angelfish as you can get. Head to the cemetery in either town (again, consult the fishing spots guide). This can only be done after midnight and before 6am. Use the angelfish as bait, and catch away. This can be done as early as level 5 and catching deathfish will quickly increase the skill. If you get higher quality angelfish, it will become easier to catch better death fish. Eventually you will almost always catch perfect death fish. Completing fishing challenges can help make this even easier. The angler trait would also be handy, but isn't required.

The Sims 3 Ambrosia Recipe (3)

Life Fruit
Getting Life Fruit for Ambrosia can be time consuming. Life Fruit are harvested with the Gardening skill. In order to grow them, level 7 gardening is required. Look around in town for special seeds. The cemetery is usually a good spot in Sunset Valley. Check near parks in Riverview, as well as along the River. You can tell if your unknown special seed is a life fruit plant by checking if it's wilting as soon as you've planted it. They require loads of water. Sprinklers will help with the daily routine of watering them.

Once you've got one life fruit plant, you can begin fertilizing them and improve their quality over a couple of generations. Use vampire fish, and indeed, life fruit itself as fertilizer to help the plants grow better produce. With the first life fruit, you can make Ambrosia as long as you have a death fish as well. Continuing your Sim's gardening effort will lead to perfect ingredients for their ambrosia recipe.

The Sims 3 Ambrosia Recipe (5)A Divine Meal leads to One Happy Sim
Yes, Ambrosia's +75 mood boost is huge. Couple this with a trip to the day spa, and your Sim can easily have a full mood bar every single day of the week. Once you've got your perfect life fruit, begin stocking them. Stock death fish in the fridge as well. Eventually ambrosia will be enjoyed as often as they like. With minimal effort you can keep up your stock of these valuable ingredients.

Replicating Ambrosia
While it's generally held that you can't replicate ambrosia in the food replicator, Swede1992, one of our forum moderators, had a great suggestion for a workaround. Prepare ambrosia; however, when your Sim comes to mixing the ingredients in a bowl, cancel the interaction. The bowl is now saveable on the replicator and when you recreate the ambrosia it'll come out at normal quality, but as a fully prepared meal. Don't be discouraged though, it holds all its ghost-reviving and anti-aging qualities along with the divine meal moodlet!

Cooking Guide Navigation:
Cooking Overview | Master Cooking | Recipe List | Ambrosia | Good Traits
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Marijo says...

I didn't need the Angelfish to get a deathfish in Island Paradise. I just had my mermaid sim go to the cemetary and she caught 2 deathfish. Is that considered normal, or weird? Mien gott, I don't know...


Deathfish can be caught by a level 10 angler without angelfish. This has always been true. However the quality of the deathfish goes up when you use good quality bait.




20th July 2013 8:31am

Meep says...

For some reason my sim can't use fish as bait...




31st July 2017 9:00am

Playalot says...

Might be their fishing level is not high enough. I think the ability to fish with bait kicks in around level 3, live bait a few levels later.




1st August 2017 8:24pm

Anonymos says...

It actually quicks in at level 5, because LIVE bait is only activated at level 5. YOu can, however, use fruit and food as bait starting from level three.




3rd August 2017 3:48am

farmanac says...

My ghost Sim ate like at least five Ambrosia and still it's a ghost. Don't know why but she wont resurrect. Does anyone know if this is common-normal to happen or she should be alive once she eats the meal?
I remember years ago when I started playing Sims3 I resurrected a ghost by the first Ambrosia meal.




13th January 2014 11:43am

Skye says...

I do have both things, but I can't make my sim make ambrosia no matter what time it is even though my sim wants to make it. Does anyone knows how I can get her to make it?
- Please notice that I'm from a non-english-speaking country. Which means that I might missed something. But I've already tried to read it trhough a couple of times.

20th April 2014 1:58pm

Nutmeg says...

It can only be made as a single serving meal.




25th April 2014 7:49pm

Leahea says...

The opportunity by the science lab did not come up in my game when my sim died,is there a cheat for this? Also I have no food replicator




16th September 2013 11:31am

PotatoPat says...

I won't always show up immediately-- Sometimes you have to wait for up to 4 days. Also once I got the opportunity when no sim died so I think it'll also pop up randomly.
Although make sure that supress opportunities is off.




17th October 2018 3:20pm

Ash says...

Does the life fruit have to be perfect in order to cook the food?? My sim is a level 10 in cooking an has learned the recipe but there's no option for me to cook the Ambrosia




2nd July 2014 10:54pm

blow pop says...

I'm wondering this too as I have 3 sims level 10 on fishing-gardening-cooking with a bunch of perfect deathfish and life fruit and I'm still not getting the option to try and make it.




7th July 2014 12:31am

kelsi says...

Did your sim go to the bookstore and buy the recipe? Im pretty sure they have to learn the recipe before they get the option on the fridge to cook it.




23rd July 2014 8:44am

Nikki says...

How exactly do you 'catch' the death fish in the cemetery? is there usually a pond or lake or something near the cemetery?
(I mean in other places, like Appaloosa Plains and Isla Paradiso)
Sorry if this question is stupid, but yeah.





13th July 2014 9:48am

Anonymos says...

Deathfish are easily caught using angel fish as bait. THey can only be caught between 12am-4:59 am. the minute it says 5 am, they disappear. And yes, there is suppose to be a pond in the cemetery. Look around the area and you should find it. Make sure you are level 5 in fishing skill, as you can only use live bait starting from that level (5).




3rd August 2017 3:51am

Stu46 says...

If your Science skill is high enough and you have the clone machine, you can analyse both a deathfish and a life fruit to clone them. The cloned ingredients make perfect ambrosia.




19th March 2019 6:26am

Caydence says...

You could just buy the Surfs Up! house, Not only does it come with a Life plant AND a Money Tree, the house is awesome! Then buy the Fishtank, in the Tech Stuff, because it comes with 3 Deathfish, just get your cooking up.




21st July 2018 2:46pm

Leahmay74 says...

Where do you find the surfs up house?




21st September 2018 2:19am

Playalot says...

It is a Store item.




23rd September 2018 6:34pm

Jj says...

I dont know how to get my ghosts to eat it




2nd November 2015 6:55pm

Anonymos says...

The easiest way would be to have them join your family. If you get a high enough relationship with them, you can ask them to move in. On the other hand, you can also try eating around them, as ghosts seem to like eating with other sims. If the ghost died by starvation, however, they tend to eat a lot, so just place the ambrosia nest to them, and they should eat it on their own.




3rd August 2017 3:55am

geekgirl101 says...

Not all towns produce have harvestable life fruits and ponds with death fish at the graveyards. Towns without harvestable life fruits may have special seeds that on chance of planting or examining produce a life fruit. There's also a chance you may excavate a life fruit seed in World Adventures. Rummaging in bins and dumpster diving may also produce a life fruit or a life fruit bearing seed and maybe even a deathfish. If you have Seasons that this will hamper your attempts at catching deathfish during the winter and part of the spring seasons as it will freeze ponds and rivers over.




11th August 2015 12:07pm

Nae Nae says...

Should I get Pets or Supernatural? I have Late Night and World Adventures together already.


We don't give outrecommendations but have a read through the relevant guides and see if those packs sound like they would be fun for you.




15th August 2021 3:35pm

HuMdAfLaR says...

You can also get the death fish by buying the wall fish tank. It comes with the fish inside




3rd July 2018 8:24pm

RoseaBee says...

That's only decoration. You can't actually use those Deathfish cause they aren't real fish.




12th August 2018 2:14pm

Better than chocolate says...

Please help.
I hope it’s still active enough that someone can help.
I created two sims. A ghost and a human.
The human sim is my active household.
They slowly became friends and then more.
They never kissed. I wanted it to make a “realistic” love story.
My sim was meant to create ambrosia for his love to bring him back from death.
Now it was going well..
until the ghost disappeared.
And I mean that he was away from his home for days, I was getting nervous. My sim literally spent nights waiting outside hoping that he would come back but nothing.
Now when I checked the ghost’s house.. it’s for sale.
I don’t know what happened.
Did he move on?
Is he in the cemetery?
Since my human could only see the ghost in his contacts when they were physically close, I can’t call him or text him.
This is turning into a really sad love story. Real quick..




2nd September 2019 7:33pm

Playalot says...

Sounds like the game auto moved the ghost sim out, which pretty much means he has been deleted.




8th September 2019 5:53pm

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The Sims 3 Ambrosia Recipe (2025)


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